Thursday, May 21, 2009


Tuesday night, went out for japanese !! sister b'day ! haha delicous!

idiot mabel and my other sis


B'day girl and my dad

Tempura and unagi @@ yummy! haha

around 11p.m was doing my homework 1 week ago work that I have to pass it up tomorrow.. and the work was not easy! You have to design a monochromatic interior room! which means only using 2 colours max !.. And colour a colour wheel.. is like you know from yellow, red, and blue forms green and all those stuff. with colour pencil!.. Well i know is my fault but I had a mental stressful week. back to the point.. it was 11p.m i started!! I'm surely going to die.. 2 drawings have to be done by tomorrow and by using colour pencil! Got the idea in my head and all but it's almost -,- wth.... start colouring the wheel half way done giv up..! then try colouring my design.. colour finish the bed.. giv up 5a.m in the morning -,- wow.. no hope anymore fell asleep.!

wow u cant use green and the other colous but blue, yellow and red!! mix mix mix

Gave up! lolx

Shit this cannot make it lar -,- gave up also

Next day.. Thursday! woke up at 1.30p.m and class starts at 2p.m -,- die! need to pick up 2 of my classmates!! reached my college almost 2.10p.m!! drove 100km all the way!.. lolx
Lucky the lecturer was late =D
Haha didnt sumit my work !! was too malu! a girl in my class did a very good job! Everyone was OMFG how did she do that! it was like printed out!
Losing hope on Interior Design course d..

So, got back home thinking Should I go throught this or just change course? haix.. stress again.. stop thinking went for dinner at IOI mall secret recipes! haha

Not that bad..! Had much better

After that walked around to find a gift for my little sister for her birthday.. her actually birthday is today =D turns out we got ntg -,- bought i bought a mirror and some mask! preparing for the H1N1 flu xD and was still wondering shud i stop since i'm not so into designing and not so good at drawinng!

Got back home around 9.30p.m got stress thinking on what course im good at.. and how am i going to talk to my dad about it.. he paid so much for my designing course and all.. and the things i bought aint that cheap! haix.. he was so proud i got into interior knowing that i will do well.. but i dun think i can! even tho i can change most of the other course are vry vry vry vry exp!!

o yah! we had cake also =D

STILL WONDERING should I change course.. I got into interior design because when i was in 2nd-dary I was good at act.. So I wanted to make my parents proud doing something involve building cos my dad is an enginer.. so its almost related.. and now i'm feeling like a shithole! Doing the things to make my daddy happy or doing what i like.. Don't know yet.. but It's a waste paying the money going to college on what i don't like and not knowing for a bright furture!.. haix STRESS!!

good luck to most of the 2nd-dary students on their mid-term!

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