Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Has God Damned me or something?

Like my last post.. I have already said I had a fcked up week..
Worst come to worst.. starting of this week got fcked up again...
Today woke up headed on to Taipan to find Christian for lunch after
that went to school to pick up my sisters and the smelly boy..
And i thought I would had a Stress free day...

Was doing my Assignment.. for my English class.

The assignment was to advertise a drink.. tittle ' Drink a _____ ' was edi stress cos.. I'm in Interior Designing not Advertising.. So it's quite tense for me!

So, was doing my research, asking around with all my friends..
doing like 2 hours thinking my head off.. During the 2 hours my dad keep calling me to fix the computer. Ask me to fix the line, ok then when upstairs again to do my work.. he called again asking me to fix the sound this time.. then went up again.. Few mins later he called again then i ran downstairs.. He asked me to fetch him to pick up his car at the shop.. In my head WTF why cant you just call my mom she is so free.. So i told him to call my mom.. So went back up again to do my work.. 30mins later he got back and called me to go dinner.. Up down Up down here i go...

During dinner..
He asked me what am I going to do later.. I thought he was asking me am I going out or hanging out with my friends or what.. Then i said no.. So he ask me to go to Gym.. then I said I have to do my work.. and i said i thought he was asking me am i going out later.. then he started shouting say 'Everytime like that.. ask you go Gym don;t want ... ( bloody hell i went gym ytd and I got my college work to do ) then he telling me all those grandmother stories all.. saying that he wanted to spend time with his parents which is my grandparents also cannot.. then he said he is lazy to care about me anymore.. fck wei... I'm trying to pass my Fcking College course and he goes all like that.. He said he wants to be selfish not care anybody.. well he care about plp.. but not caring another feelings.. everytime.. when I'm tied or busy he will always ask me to go gym.. and he said I dont go to gym..


and he said I go gym I don't do anything.. WTF?!??!?!?!?!??!? ALL MY DAD DO IS RUN!!! I run, Abs, Arms, Legs, Chests and even back..

HE tried doing the things I do.. He can't even keep up and he telling me all.. that i don't do anything !! fuck wei.. that aint caring.. He just want me do the things he do!!! ..

Well, I'm wrong some point.. He wants me to spend time with him. But I hates it when he start shouting! If he can just stop shouting i will spend more time with him.

Useless hoping for a better Tomorrow anymore

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