Sunday, May 10, 2009

Has been a long time

Haha.. it has been a long time I log-in to my blog @@..

Well, Tis few month have been very busy and stressful cos a new start of my college life in
'The One Academy'
Which is just beside Sunway Pyramid..

Many things had happen.. within this few months..
WELL.. kinda lazy blog about it..

I'll blog about this few days.. what I have been doing.. and what new toys I got this year !! =D

Let's talk about the toys that i got this year =D [Enjoy]

1) A new car~[MyVI]

A White MyVI that I got for my b'day present from my dad!
Nothing special about it.. But I did add on 12'inch woofer and changed the speaker.. Luv My number plate =D [BKG 9191]
Recently, something bad happen to my car tho.. pick-up speed got problems and my brakes..
and for some reasons cant burnout with my car..!! freaking shit.. haha

2) An apple-Iphone 3g =]

I just got this Iphone few weeks back. I think it's around 2 weeks?
Trying to master this phone almost 2 weeks [still under process]
Well, gotta say it's not bad.. haha.. It's the most awsome phone I got in my Life =D
It's fun and has many applications to DL.
The Design of the Iphone is plane but nice.. the back of the phone is b-e-a-uuuu-ti-fulll !!
Shinny black back =D with a matelic apple logo..
Camera works fine.. even it's only 2.0 m.p but look at how clean when I take the pic of my car!

3) Dye-ed My hair today..~ with Shinji..

Hmm.. It's not that clear.. Cos of the lighting in my room..
IF you can't see what colour it is.. well, it's RED!
Haha.. wanted to go for blonde but.. many of my frenz said that it doesn't suit me
So, Shinji told me to dye it RED.. haha.. But it turns out ok~ not as bad like i thought it would be.

Hmm.. in this picture. It looks more brown.

Shinji took this picture.. haha.. ! i look fat in this picture..
Been eating a lot this few days.. [tell you why later] >"<

4) A new Laptop.

Got this a few month back..
Cheap, good, nice to use, and Note:Don't buy in Sunway Pyramid ~

Many more
Other stuff but kinda lazy to blog them..

OK now time time to talk about what I have been doing this 3 weeks of break~

week 1 well ntg much.. just go around hanging out with friends. at A.C (asia cafe at ss15) chilling out..

Week 2 Went back to my hometown to visit my grandparents.. and kinda boring down there. But lucky I got my Iphone to waste my time.~!! And I drove to my hometown 3 hours drive from my house but I only drove for 2 hours then my dad take over.. We stop awhile to have a break.. and I saw some of my friends there!!! Wow m'sia is truely small. Once we got there haha the FUN has begin! unload all the stuff myself~ nobody is kind enuff to help me!!
2nd day me, my uncle, and my dad went to the estate that is mine

Haha see how clean is the apple-iphone camera is.. [while driving]

After that we went to the farm.

Austria Goat if i'm not mistaken

there are so many goats there about 40~70?

There are so many animals at the farm..!!
Wild Pigs.
and many more!

During the night me and my sister got so bored and we took some pictures of our self

Week 3 parents went back hometown for 3 days and I stayed over Christian house which my parents didnt know and they thought i was at home, I was very nervous cos i have to drive all the way to Nilai. and very scare tat my dad found out i was not home X.X
And I don't really know how to get there lucky i got my GPS in my iphone =D If not I would had gotten lost!.. We was nicely driving following my GPS system but we got lost cos christian told me to turned to the right. But the real turning is left so me and Christian got lost.. and both of us got very scare.. haha thats where my GPS helps us!! Then it help us to get out of the place where we got lost.~!!!

Christian house is so beautiful didn't take any picture.. but i guess everyone will love it..
it has everything EVERYTHING.. pool, gym, pool table, bar, guest rooms, living room is beautiful, and so on..

everything is made out of wood and the house interior was design by his dad [well done]

And Christian's dad is a very good cook! the food is awsome!

On the 2nd day which is 8th of may, the day I that I'm going back home by myself kinda scary because
1st I don't know the way [GPS not working]
2nd I'm all alone[ALONE~~~~!!!!!]
3rd There was a black out at his area. [ His area is BIG, freaking BIG and it's in a middle of no where. everywhere is just trees like in the forest!!! FREAKING SCARY no lights no nothing the only thing I can see was the light of my front car.. how scary is that!!]

Lucky found my way out then I headed down to Pyramid to pick up my sister around 10p.m
then Shinji invited me to Bar celona.. So me and my sister went back home and wash up
to get ready to go to Bar celona.
It's about 12a.m we reached there.
It was one of Shinji's friend b'day forgotten his name but he was kind. and yeah happy birthday to you!.. had a vulcano drink.. For the 1st time freaking hot!

Got back around 4a.m fell asleep. Around 4.35 Shinji and Michelle with her Brother came over to stay over night at my house.
Shinji bang my room door but I couldn't wake up was abit drunk and fully K.O!

Morning woke up.. Saw Shinji in my room wanted to take a bath. I was like WTF??!?!! why is he in my room early in the morning..

After that went over to Face To Face restoran to eat PAn MEE.
Then we headed home to decide what are we going to do.
So me and Shinji decided to go summit and dye my hair..
Michelle and my Sister went to Pyramid RED BOX with Michelle Brother.

For dinner I had fried rice! beside Kim Gary. forgotten what is the restoran called.. We lepak there for awhile then. Michelle and his brother went back.

So Me , My sis, and Shinji walked around Pyramid and look 4 Shinji's Mom Mother's day present.

After that we headed home.. And Shinji is staying over nite at my house..
around 8.30 James came over my house and we went lepak at puteri 7
around 10.45 got a call from my dad telling me to come home because he got home from my hometown perak and he wants to see me.
So after fetching James home. Me and Shinji came back to my house.. and he TRIED to study and he didn't Look at Him

Sleeping! lols

haha its time for me to sleep too it's like 4a.m now and i got to get up at 8a.m lolx!!

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