Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Begining of the week got fcked up

Monday night 10pm

Was playing Dota.. Then Poom it happen! black out the whole area.. was disconnected and got pissed. Worst still, no fan no air-corn and all.. Tried to get some sleep, but it was so so so freaking hot and there was no wind that night making me more pissed. Then my sister came to my room, because my room is more cold but no differents.

11.45 - dying of hot and boredness. Sister dead sleeping edi.. don't know how she could sleep with the heat!

lighted up some candle so the insects wont come in my room!

look how sleepy i was~ so sad 1.15 am

lol playing my zippo =)

That night was like hell.. someone from my area started shout MCB.. all those words.. and baby crying, dog barking, car going here and there.. was so pissed wanted so shout also! Over heard my dad calling the power plant station.. they say was a very bad melt down or some shit..!

About 2a.m my sis woke up asked me to go down to the car.. so we went.. omg saw 2 huge cockroah damn la.. the thing that i afraid the most.. bad luck..!

We both ran to my car.. fall asleep!

It was about this time my dad woke us up and told us the power was back on so i ran to my room to get some sleep FINALLY!! can have my sleep!!

Today!.. The 1st day of my 2nd sam
Went Kim Gary for Lunch =D
Then went to my 1st class.. Wow the english lecturer look so gay. but he was funny.. and when he is angry.. ok.. i dont think anybody wants to see when he is angry is like from a girl girl boy look became hulk.
He talked about how to promote something with sexual stuff lolz.. ok la to all the boys =D

After his class went down. Was walking to the Sunway hotel car park to go home. then I saw something great =D they giving free coke !! Was so so lucky =D

That is Wei Lee enjoying his can of coke =D

They even asked us to take picture lolx.. don't know why.. Maybe to help them to promote ?

After that went to pyramid awhile..
around 4.20 went to Sekolah Sri Sedaya to fetch a smelly boy home..
Damn waited for him almost 45 mins.. got pissed went look around the whole school. finally found him.. then on th way back JAM.. damn bad luck..

Reach home worst.. just got to my room.. dad ask me go Gym at pyramid .. sad case wanted to rest but need follow him again!.. drive back to pyramid.. went to gym.. dad start being a dick..!
like having peroid or something.. haix.. not my week i guess.
After washing up, going for dinner.. dad said why i spend so much on food.. ? =.= I was like WTF?
My college is beside Pyramid.. duhh of cos money go out fast la..
then i say nvm la i dont eat.. he started scolding me=.= fck wei..
No mood all the way..

Went to a restoran near my house.. ordered a claypot of herb chicken soup with rice..
waited 30mins.. dad got pissed. making everyone no mood.. then the food came.. omfg.. is the worst sht i ever eated..!! really shiting first 2 day of the week i got..
Hoping for a better Tomorrow !

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