Thursday, June 4, 2009


Thursday -

3 weeks ago work =D

Wong kok Beef cheese bake rice =D

Eddie & Johnson don't they make a good couple? Eddie doing his work which need to pass it up in 10 mins lolx

haha Wei Lee also doing his work

Few days back - Stations One Helping Yin Foon With her Work =D

=D Foon Belanja haha

THERE ?!?!?!?!?!? my new hair !!!! Happy? haha see so hardworking helping Foon!

Foon Stressed out

1 or 2 weeks back - Went to watch 'Night at the Museum 2'

DONE~~~~~ ntg much to post.. !!! I made up my mind on my tattoo design.. I'm just going to go with my name on my back =D

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