Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pizza Hut the Devils Playground! $$

I know!!! yummy aint it? =D


Me =D
Me again

Omg lar.. i spent like rm40. Cos of James blindness !!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hate or Love

Well, to some of u may know why i ask myself this.
I dont know why i hate my dad so much but still i love him.
How much my dad love me?
Sad case, my shoe 'rosak' last week and i wanted to get a new shoe,
but he said what for? you can use super-glue to fix it.. i like wth?
my mobile phone came from china ! holy sh!t.
I told he i want to sign up to a gym and he said what for? you can stay at home and exercise,
gym dont even cost that much but my sister got her teeth done and my dad ok with it
and it cost like what? rm6k++ and she got bloody new Nike shoe ok lar wtf.

Monday, October 27, 2008


I might be going for a blood test -,- are you cursing me or something?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Euphoria Ministry Of Sound

23rd Oct

First time went to clubbing and there was a fight.

o.O But it was fun, many hot girls O.o

Hugo Boss Selection


SPM is around the corner [crying my ass off]

Study Study all day long

I have to go out~! Someone please help me from this nightmare!!

Clubbing, Lepak, Basket Ball and CyberCafe =D



I'm so bored, and it's like 2.15 a.m damn this is so lifeless.

SPM is like in 2 weeks and i'm still up doing this blog~!!

-Lame Ass-